The problem with "Hungarian Goose down"

Polish Goose down is fast becoming the most trust worthy down available. Polish Goose down will be the go to down moving forward taking over from Hungarian Goose downs due to Hungarian Goose down quality becoming a low or poor quality down supply.
There are problems with Hungarian Goose down supply. For far too long it has been perceived to be one of the best goose downs available. It never was or never has been. Unfortunately consumers gravitate to Hungarian Goose down because it is most commonly known or mentioned.
Most if not all manufacturers here in Australia do not have Hungarian Goose down, most rely on a supply from China which is rebranded as Hungarian Goose down when it is actually Chinese Goose down. If it is actually Hungarian Goose down it will be very poor quality. No Hungarian Goose down is classed as class 1 in fact it is so poor in quality it has no class rating!
Most Hungarian supply from Europe is also now compromised. Due to the pandemic the meet demand dropped, once restaurants etc opened again demand increased, however what Hungarian farms are doing to catch up to demand is to bread the geese for only 5-6 weeks. Geese at this age dont have enough time to create large clusters. They have small downs, this means the fill power is much lower also. Most claim a 650 to 750 fill power, this is just simply untrue. The quality is now so low it is between 500 to 550 fill power.
What they are also doing in Hungary is adding recycled USED down into the new downs. This is most definitely frowned upon in the industry. It is most definitely not what we will ever supply in our product range. Do you want another persons old quilt down in your new quilt?
They also use alot of neck feather and keep most of the fibre. Neck feather is very small and narrow, its no good in down proof cotton, it not only finds its way our from the stitching but also out of the fabric itself. The fibre content adds no benefit to the quilt or pillow, it has no thermal capacity, it is essentially waste. We do not want to supply quilts and pillows with 5-10% fibre waste.
Reputable processing facilities in Europe no longer wish to deal with Hungarian farmers for these reasons. Neither do we.
Obtaining Class 1 or even Class 2 quality in Hungarian Goose down is no longer possible, again this is due to the supply chain adding in second hand downs and using too much fibre.
The Hungarian Goose down supply has a bad name in Europe, reputable processing suppliers all say the same thing, do not buy Hungarian Goose down anymore.
We have only a couple of quilts left in Hungarian Goose down, once this is gone we wont be selling it again.
We are always looking for the best quality European downs, sourced ethically with the appropriate certifications.
Finally my recommendation now is go with any of our 95% Premium Polish Goose downs. The 95% Premium Polish Mother Goose down fantastic and if the budget allows the 98-99% Hand Select Polish Goose down is 2nd to none.