Supreme Quilts is now Carbon Neutral

Without getting into the whole carbon/global warming debate I did decide to at least have a look at how to make our business carbon neutral.
When I was producing postage notes for some of our deliveries I noticed on the Australia Post website they mentioned they are now carbon neutral with all of the deliveries. I wondered how, how do they do this, how is it actually possible. So I Googled how is Australia Post carbon neutral which got me to how to make my business carbon neutral.
I stumbled over a number of sites and came across an Australian carbon neutral calculator. We have selected the Gold Standard for our carbon offset program. The Gold Standard is widely considered to be the highest standard in the world for carbon offsets. They are a non-profit foundation under Swiss Law and funded by public and private donors.
They have committed themselves to implementing the Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement in the spirit of true and long-term emission reductions and sustainable development.
I set up an account and started working on calculating what our business carbon emissions are.
Our emissions calculation took into account our motor vehicles, electricity use, paper use, general waste, etc. To send our products we use recycled boxes that can be recycled again and I factored in the plastic bags we also use for packaging (which multi purpose and can also be re-used many times).
I have even calculated how much carbon emissions come from the production of our quilt cases/fabric. This includes the production of cotton, transformation into cotton fibre and onto the creation of the cotton weave/fabric used for our quilts and pillows. Our calculation is based on 6.55 kgCO2e/kg per 1kg of bleached cotton weave fabric.
We import approximately 4000-5000 kilos of downs from Germany, we have factored carbon emissions from the shipments into our carbon offset program at .1093 per 1000kg.
So we have factored in all possible aspects of our business carbon footprint including the use of carbon neutral Australia Post and the continual initiatives by Hunter Express for our delivery options.
We have also included all of our energy use, including motor vehicles.
We are carbon neutral!