Which Style Of Quilt Is Best, boxed or channel?
We get asked which style of quilt is best, channel or boxed? We recommend channel style quilts. Why? Channel style quilts were some of the first feather and down quilts sold in Australia and for good reason. With Australia's diverse weather a quilt needs to be multi purpose. It needs to be ideal for Winter and Summer use. A channel quilt allows the user to adjust the warmth as needed all year round. Simply push or shake filling down for Summer and push or shake the filling back up again for Winter. The other benefit is if the quilt is...
Warmth Without Weight with Goose & Duck Down Quilts
If you are looking for an alternative to wool or synthetic quilt and blankets then feather down bedding is the answer. Very popular in Europe, and often known as continental quilts, a feather and down quilt provides alternate warm levels and warmth without out weight. The higher the percentage of down, the lighter and softer the quilt, providing an excellent warmth level equivalent up to 4 or more blankets worth. Feather and down quilts are made in channel, box or dimpled outer quality japara casings and are easy to care for. Channel quilts tend to be the most popular casing...